I'm back! Here's a Dandelion product review by Benefit!

Sorry for being gone for a while, but I just finished school, and it was so busy! First off, my birthday passed, and I got a really nice laptop(also for blogging ehehehehehe) with touchscreen, so cool!
And then the end of the year came close, it was so busy with school and then finals and I had no free time!
I was really upset about that, I missed blogging.. T.T
Also, I got 700 total pageviews!! Wow!! Thanks so much!! Before I left I had 500 and I felt so excited, and then 200 more when I returned?! Woooaaa!!! You guys are cool... ^o^
So much said, I should start reviewing ^//^
This is a little set I got for free when I bought things at Ulta and decided to show to you guys ^^
...I thought it would be a short review but it's long already hahah....
It consists of a face powder, and a lipgloss.
It's a light pink color with light shimmer in it. It's pretty pink, and livens up your skin. If you have dull skin, it will make it look sweeter. I use this all over and the shimmer doesn't really show up on the face, but your skill will glow a bit~
The full size box is really cute packaging though! It's a box, with the same color and picture on it as the mini ^o^/
Ahh, you see the face powder? I packed it on, but on the face you'd use less and it looks natural~ This is natural lighting, by the window!
The lipgloss is peach/coral, natural looking (not too pigmented), and medium shiny. Not as shiny as the Leona Lewis glosses though ;)
The lipgloss is actually really smooth on your lips and stays on for a long time. I put on a little about 5 hours ago and it's still on for the most part. I didn't eat though.
The scent it so nice... it really smells like dandelion/nature but then a little sweet! It's really good! It doesn't become sticky, and is actually really moisturizing! It has a watery shine. Sometimes I wear it just because of that, hehe. makes my lips so soft~!
In the end, The lipgloss is one of my favorite lip products I own!
I hope this was useful to you,
leave a comment, I'll surely respond~
Until the next post~
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